The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund

Project name:
A-Unit - Research and development of an advanced autonomous management unit mobile vehicles in logistics
Brief description of the project:
The project represents an investment in IRI activities and strengthening the innovation capacities of applicants with a total value of HRK 42.101.852,45, with a duration of 36 months.
The project will be implemented through the effective cooperation of the Applicant Gideon Brothers d.o.o. with two partners - FER University of Zagreb (contribution to knowledge in the field of machine learning, stereo vision systems, autonomous systems management) and the company Mobilisis d.o.o. (contribution to the research and development of the communication module of the autonomous management unit).
The purpose of the project is to demonstrate a technological concept (PoC) for the development of an advanced unit for autonomous management of mobile vehicles in logistics, which would enable manufacturers of work vehicles such as forklifts or towing vehicles to convert to fully autonomous. In case of successful realization of the project results, the Applicant will provide technological leadership in the global market, change the business paradigm of logistics companies and revolutionize the industry, while establishing itself as an authority in this technological field.
Goals and expected results of the project:
By implementing the project, the applicant will address and solve the mentioned aspects of the problem by researching and developing an advanced unit for autonomous management of mobile vehicles in logistics. The expected effects of the implemented activities are a drastic increase in the efficiency of warehousing operations and reduction of barriers to the use of autonomous vehicles in the industry for the market and potential customers, while for the company represents an opportunity to take and maintain a global technology leader.
Because of all - from the degree of innovation of the described solution in relation to the existing ones, through the market potential to the impact on the development and market position of the applicant, it follows that the value of investing EU funds in this project is very high.
The result would consist of an innovative hardware and software component of unique technological performance, which would represent a radical innovation and set a new state of the art on the global market.
A key expected result of the project is the developed unit for autonomous management of mobile vehicles in logistics, with advanced navigation technology and environmental perception.
Total project value: 42.101.852,45 HRK
Funded through EU grant (in HRK): 29.715.642,79 HRK
Project timeframe (from-to):
17.08.2020.- 17.08.2023.
For additional information, contact:
Dario Golub, e-mail: dgolub@mobilisis.hr,
tel: +385 42 311 777
Goran Kanižaj, e-mail: gkanizaj@mobilisis.hr,
tel: +385 42 352 756
More information at:http://www.strukturnifondovi.hr
More about operative programme:
The content of this publication and/or broadcasted material is the exclusive responsibility of Mobilisis d.o.o.

The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund

Project name:
Mobilisis d.o.o. production capacity expansion through corporate real estate and equipment investments
Brief description of the project:
“Mobilisis d.o.o. production capacity expansion through corporate real estate and equipment investments” was a project submitted to the Ministry of entrepreneurship and proprietorship for grant approval.
Upon approval of the grants within the framework of “Competence and development of small and intermediate entrepreneurship” initiative, Mobilisis started implementation of the project in July 2017. The greatest challenges faced by Mobilisis d.o.o. today are insufficient human resources, lack of office space, and inadequate equipment necessary for expansion and quality improvements.
A goal of this project is expansion of business and production capacity of Mobilisis d.o.o. through investment in construction of the new office spaces and equipping them with the latest technologies and equipment.
Furthermore, a success of the project will contribute to development and expansion of small and intermediate entrepreneurship in both domestic and international markets. The primary benefiters from this project are Mobilisis’ employees, end users such as current and future clients, suppliers, NGOs sponsored by the company and residents of Varaždin County as a whole.
The project was completed in July 2019.
The content of this publication and/or broadcasted material is the exclusive responsibility of Mobilisis d.o.o.
Goals and expected results of the project:
The goal of this project is the expansion of business and production capacity of Mobilisis d.o.o. through investment in construction of the new office spaces and equipping them with latest technology and equipment.
The project contributes to small and medium entrepreneurship development and an increase of competitiveness on both foreign and domestic markets. The project has projected profit increase of 143%, projected foreign sales profit of 656%, and projected hiring of 29 additional employees.
Total project value: 38.252.308,06 HRK
Funded through EU grant (in HRK):
13.743.033,81 HRK
Project timeframe (from-to):
01.07.2017.- 01.07.2019.
For additional information, contact:
Andreja Mišak, e-mail: amisak@mobilisis.hr,
tel: +385 42 352 760
Goran Kanižaj, e-mail: gkanizaj@mobilisis.hr,
tel: +385 42 352 756
More information at:
More about operative project “Competitiveness and cohesion”: